Saving State || Javascript and Sinatra serversLet’s say you are making a simple web application, using Javascript. The application is for a night club owner, to see how many people…Apr 14, 2021Apr 14, 2021
Happy birthday! -or your birthday is in x daysAfter getting to know the use of servers, shotgun, and some research into Heroku, I tried out a git on the makers Github: making a…Mar 18, 2021Mar 18, 2021
Servers and our long battle with ShotgunThis week we’ll be working towards getting our first web app online — using Heroku and Sinatra. During the precourse, I already looked…Mar 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021
Snakes and Ladders (OO principles)After today’s pairing session I did not feel quite satisfied yet. We had a bit of a gap between where I ended yesterday and where she…Mar 10, 2021Mar 10, 2021
Protect the airport! Encapsulation and TDDAfter a lovely first week, working through the Boris Bikes challenge, I was quite excited to start working on the weekend challenge, in…Mar 6, 2021Mar 6, 2021
Rolling dice; another look into TDDThis morning we started with an intro to TDD. In my opinion, we could have done this at the start of the week rather than only now. We…Mar 4, 2021Mar 4, 2021
Vending Machine; working with encapsulation and cohesionToday, after stressing myself out with thinking I would never be good enough at coding, I put on my big girl pants and got into…Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021
Roman numerals and numbers, translating both waysAs part of the precourse at Makers academy, they suggested some extra stuff to look into. One of which was turning numbers into Roman…Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021
From a masters in Art to Makers Academy2020, what a year it has been! For all of us, I am sure. I had personally just arrived back in the Netherlands at the start of 2020, from…Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021